Casino Night Kills It

Do you feel lucky? Then you should have been at Casino Night this past Friday. According to the Student Government Association’s (SGA) advisor, Steve McNerney, it “is the best Casino Night we’ve had.” This marks the sixth time the SGA has hosted the popular affair, drawing in students, staff and community members. The event was on October 24 and operated from 7 to 11 p.m. in the Bolick Student Center.
Casino Night featured blackjack, Texas hold ‘em, craps and roulette tables. An oxygen bar, catered food and music completed the night perfectly. Highlights of the night involved a costume contest and raffle prizes. The top prizes were two iPad Mini’s won by Ashley London and Hamrah Hedayati. There were also a range of gift certificates and merchandise. All prizes other than the iPads were donated by local businesses, students and faculty.
The event was completely free, and no actual money was used. Instead, partygoers received a stack of fake bills on arrival, which they could exchange for poker chips and buy raffle tickets with. If you had a costume, brought your student ID, named an SGA executive board member or volunteered to deal cards, then you received extra “money” to play with. No alcohol or drugs were allowed, and security was present.
According to the head of the SGA Event Committee, Jonathan Dean,: “It’s…one of the largest events at the school. It gives students a chance to socialize with each other outside of class, which is important because PVCC is a non-residential school and students often don’t have any opportunity to interact with each other outside of the classroom.”
The event certainly had its share of socializing and a strong vibe of energy. It also drew quite a few partygoers; the tally of how many attended is still coming in, but we know that the North Hall meeting room was overflowing with guests at the end of the night. If you missed out on it this year, then do not worry, you can always attend this annual event next year.