Comments from the Editor
As we step outside, we notice the air holds a hint of seasonal change. The days express their confusion, one sharply brisk followed by the arid confines of the next.
We undeniably laden our bodies with sweaters, scarves and boots only to find ourselves panting in the sun as it sends rivulets of perspiration following our hairlines. Why did we not check the forecast before dressing? Oh wait…we did.
The trees are still clinging to their quivering cloaks, waiting for their annual kaleidoscope of colors to emerge. Sugar maples, dogwoods, birches, lindens and gingkoes stand by, waiting to begin the show.
Acorns litter the ground while the squirrels dance in their drunken delirium caused by irresponsible consumption of the acorn meats. They will only be able to find half of what they stashed for the cold snowy nights, when they sit by their fireplace, drinking maple-bark mugs of hot cocoa.
We teeter precariously, being careful not to lose our footing. We feel the unmistakable jab of that one acorn as it impales the sole of our shoe. Yes, that acorn. The one that would not smoosh flat as we make our way along the sidewalks and through student parking.
Gourds of orange, yellow, white and every shade of green are emerging, languishing on the steps, decks and porches of homes. Sometimes they enjoy the company of corn shuck fodders, bales of hay and scarecrows. This brings back memories of carving Jack-o-lanterns. Pressing the slimy pith knotted with seeds, oozing through our fingers as we squeeze it, time and time again.
So, in all of this season’s glory, do not forget to linger a bit, inhale deeply the earthy smell of the air and appreciate nature’s autumn.
And as always, remember whatever you do, wherever you go, you are in control of your own destiny.