Pratt Presents to Adult Student Life Club
On Sept. 8, 2015, Professor Bill Pratt addressed the Adult Student Life club as part of their on-going speaker series arranged by Staff Advisor, Denise McClanahan.
Pratt’s informative presentation, “Financial Planning – Stretching Dollars without Bouncing Checks,” takes the stress out of financial planning and does not have to be all about bar graphs and pie charts.
It is as simple as developing financial goals, knowing where your money goes, managing your budget, and monitoring and reviewing your finances.
He spoke of the high value of financial literacy, the differences in mind-set regarding money between wealthy and not-so-wealthy, and pointed out that lack of communication regarding financial goals is the number one reason for divorce.
Using acronyms, Pratt outlined how to create SMART money goals; pointed out that LIFE happens and is often the cause of not meeting financial goals; and urged everyone to SPEND wisely. Finally, he reviewed a simple budgeting process, and spoke of various spending and saving plans to help track cash flow.
You can learn more at www.TheMoneyProfessors.com or take one of Pratt’s classes.