Student Government Association News, Dec. 2015
Fellow PVCC Students!
From the SGA, we want to congratulate everyone on surviving the Fall Semester!
As the temperature starts to drop, so does the motivation, usually. Fortunately, the members of the SGA this year have been working extra hard to make sure we are doing the best job we can to serve our students in the most appropriate manner. Now, here are a few dates that everyone should be keeping in mind!
Nov. 30-Dec. 10: Student Appreciation Night
Tables set out in all of the buildings on Campus with Dunkin Donuts and coffee, ALL FOR FREE. We understand exams are stressful, that is why we are helping to make it a little better. So look out for the SGA tables and make sure to come over!
December 1, 12 to 4 p.m.: Campus Cleanup
The SGA along with any clubs willing to help can participate with us keeping our campus beautiful!
Now to end of the semester: SGA Help Desk
If you have not yet noticed, the SGA now has a help desk set up once a week in each building. If there are any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas, we would love to hear feedback from everyone! Also, if you are interested in joining the SGA, you can do so right at the table and get in on the great action!
I hope everyone enjoyed Spring Fling and Casino Night which were sponsored by the SGA. We certainly put forth a lot of effort and feel it has been a successful semester.
We are currently working on our first ever Talent Show for the spring. Make sure to keep up with us for further announcements.
Camron Perry
SGA President