PVCC Students can Experience French Culture
Charles Stish, staff writer
At PVCC, there are several travel programs available for students to study and live abroad as an opportunity to enrich cultural experiences. One of these programs includes a nine-day tour of France for students to get a taste of French culture by seeing popular and historic sites and exploring the beautiful French countryside.
“It is an invaluable experience to go abroad and see how people live, see another culture, and to get out of your comfort zone,” said Kristine Swanson, assistant professor of French at PVCC and group leader for next year’s tour of France from May 16 – May 24. Swanson describes the trip as, “A quick view to spark interest. An enrichment tour for people to come and experience the joie de vivre that France represents.”

Photography by Kristine Swanson
Swanson plans the trip to include traditional and well-known French landmarks including the beaches of Normandy, the Louvre, Versailles, St. Malo, Notre Dame, and more.
Since the tour is not a study-abroad program, it is open to not only students, but all people affiliated with the VCCS college system. Because of this, the trip does not cover college credits and financial aid does not cover the costs for the trip.
The expenses for those under thirty years old is $2,950 over seven monthly payments of $402, while it is $432 over seven months for those over thirty. To have a better chance of going on tour, you must enroll for it before 95 days prior to the departure date. If you enroll within 94 days prior to departure you risk not being able to secure reservations for room and board and transportation.
If you want more information of the tour of France, Kristine Swanson can be contacted via email at kswanson@pvcc.edu.
You can also contact and learn more about the tours of Spain and Japan being offered via Professor of Spanish Kit Decker, at kdecker@pvcc.edu and Adjunct Professor of Japanese Noriko Donahue, at ndonahue@pvcc.edu