Comics and Riddles

Comics and Puzzles
In honor of Veteran's Day. Comic by Andie Meddaugh
In honor of Veteran’s Day. Comic by Andie Meddaugh


By Caroline Morris
By Caroline Morris


Brennan Tanner, staff writer


Contorted faces,

Eyes alight with golden flame,

As dry leaves fall down.


Sable haired with eyes green gold,

I was hallowed in the tales of old,

Familiar, companion, I aid the mage,

And was myself worshiped in a long ago age.

All together one and the same, I am you and you are me,

But when you are long gone, this is what I shall be.



Thousands of soldiers stand in a field,

So yellowed and dry, yet never will they yield.

Yet when winter comes they shall have no shield,

For then the Reaper comes to the battle field.