Smashing, the Club
Michael Kaelber, staff writer
War cries, screams, and grunts of rage fill the air as the game begins. Walking into a computer lab, you enter into a room where people are setting up and are pretty friendly. That all ends once everything is up and ready. As with all games, some people get a little too into it, and truthfully, Smash Club has some of those people.
While this seems, to some, to make it bad, the atmosphere is pretty positive and welcoming. Everyone is friendly, however the competitiveness in the room does rise to the roof. The only problem that flies around the room are Memes (an idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth or media). Memes-a-plenty.
Some serious smash club members, or smashers, go to tournaments and even sometimes run their own tournaments, like the weeklies run at the End Games. For those few, it is like a life choice, Super Smash Bros., or SSB, is the one game they play religiously. “I never play new games anymore really. I only do smash now, using my other free time to be social and go out or listen to music,” said Adrian Orlando, one of the current leaders of the club.
But the majority only play in club, mostly just for fun. Some even play some other games, not just SSB. You could bring in a game and probably find people in the club who will play with you. Joanna Kammauff, the other leader, wants the club to continue to be an open and welcoming club where students can come in and just have fun.
It is alright to still come in if you aren’t an expert at Super Smash Bros. One of the founders, Joshua Daniels, has run a Facebook page for the club that posts videos every now and then that can point you in a direction to bring up your skill level. He wants the club to open up more and reach out to everyone at PVCC with gaming events and to connect to the smash community within Charlottesville.
So if you have time Friday afternoon around 2 p.m., show up and have fun. There will be a chair waiting for you.