Spring 2017 Clubs
Adult Student Life Club
The mission of the PVCC Adult Student Life Club is to provide support and engagement opportunities that appeal to PVCC adult students. The PVCC Adult Student Life Club provides a forum for adult students to meet as peers, plan activities and gain resources meaningful to their life goals. The PVCC Adult Student Life Club addresses issues relevant to adult students, including how to juggle work, family and college. For more information, contact Gina Edwards at gle235@email.vccs.edu.
American Sign Language Club
Whether you are in a new American Sign Language class, in a higher level, or just interested in learning ASL and about Deaf culture, the ASLC is for you! All students are encouraged and welcome to attend club meetings the first and second Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Silent Suppers are a monthly event where the Deaf community, friends, and family gather to socialize and have a meal. This event happens the third Wednesday of every month in a Charlottesville establishment. Possible field trips to Gallaudet University in D.C. and Virginia School for the Deaf, to be determined. Contact club adviser Rhonda Jennings (rjatpvcc@gmail.com) or the club President Liz Muir (emm23680@email.vccs.edu).
Anime Club
The Anime Club welcomes anyone interested in Japanese animation, comics and music. The group focuses on new animations, while leaving room for the classics. They meet on Fridays from 3-5 p.m. Club president Kayla Paschall says the group votes on what to watch. Contact Kayla Paschall at kdp2460@email.vccs.edu.
Art Club
The Art Club’s mission is to support student artists by sponsoring fun, art-oriented events. The club sponsors a variety of art-related events like the the annual Day of the Dead Candy-Thon (on Halloween), the Film Series, artists workshops, college visits and more. For more information, contact Faculty Adviser Beryl Solla (bsolla@pvcc.edu).
Black Student Alliance
BSA members work together to cultivate leadership, stimulate cultural and educational awareness and contribute service to the College community, the local African-American community and the larger multicultural community and society. The organization welcomes participation by all who support this mission. For more information, please contact the Faculty Adviser, Justin Wert (jwert@pvcc.edu) or the student contact Clarence Johnson (cjohnson0628@email.vccs.edu).
Board Game Club
The Board Game Club at PVCC meets every Tuesday afternoon from 3-6 p.m. on the third floor of the Dickinson Building. Members play a wide variety of games ranging from card games to more involved games such as war games and beyond. Contact Faculty Adviser Bruce Glassco at bglassco@pvcc.edu for more information.
Book Club
The Book Club at PVCC encourages participants to find their inner bookworm. Club members determine which books to read and host discussions, movie viewings, and other activities such as speakers. Past books read include The Kitchen House and The Gadfly. The Book Club also sponsors and works closely with the events for the One Book Project. For more information, contact Faculty Adviser Crystal Newell cnewell@pvcc.edu.
Brony Club
PVCC’s Brony Club is for those who share a common interest in the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Club members try to exemplify the characteristics of a good person that the series encourages: honesty, generosity, compassion, optimism, devotion and leadership. Each meeting focuses on one of these characteristics, and members join in activities once a week including watching the show, enjoying fan content, fundraisers and service projects. They strive to show that this club can make a mark at PVCC. Their goal is to be a place for people to feel like they belong with no judgment. For more information, contact Morgan Eppard (co-president) at mle2431@email.vccs.edu.
Chess Club
Interested in chess strategy, or looking to learn? Are you looking for a new place to put your chess skills to the test? Try Chess club, a fun and safe learning environment for first-time learners and experienced veterans alike. The club meets weekly on Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m. in the Main Building, room M158. For more information, contact Hunter Hough (co-president) at hbh215@email.vccs.edu or Abel Pors (co-president) ataep22252@email.vccs.edu.
Cru Christian Fellowship (Cru)
CRU at PVCC is the club formally known as Christian Student Fellowship. CRU at PVCC provides an opportunity for students who share a common interest in the Bible to engage in Bible studies and discussions and pray together. The club meets every Wednesday during College Hour and all students are welcome to join. For more information, you may contact either Donnie Wilson (dsw2752@email.vccs.edu), or the club’s adviser, André Luck (aluck@pvcc.edu).
Writers Unite!: Creative Writing Club
Creative Writing Club allows your imagination to roam freely through the stroke of a pen, surrounded by those who share an interest in writing. Every year, the club produces the school’s literary magazine The Fall Line, the three-minute horror story contest and has a special event with fun activities for The National Day on Writing. “I would say that anyone can come to our meetings. We do some writing, talk about writing, and encourage writing among ourselves. It is a place where people can learn about creative writing—low stakes and friendly,” said Jennifer Koster, the adviser. The club meeting time will be set after the college’s Club Day. For more information, contact President Annette Cashatt at alc2711@email.vccs.edu or Faculty Adviser Jennifer Koster at jkoster@pvcc.edu.
Dance Club
The PVCC Dance Club is a fun way for the PVCC community to enjoy all forms of dance with no experience necessary – just a love of moving! This club provides students with many dance opportunities throughout the year, including free technique classes, choreography, performance opportunities, and much more! Faculty adviser: Michelle Cooper, mcooper@pvcc.edu Student contact/president: Skye Scott, sms29219@email.vccs.edu
Engineering and Technology Club
The PVCC Engineering and Technology Club is designed to gather PVCC engineering and technology students for social and career-oriented purposes as well as to participate in fun and interesting projects. Student Contact: President Joshua Smith, jps24382@email.vccs.edu Club adviser: Hunter Moore, hmoore@pvcc.edu.
The Film Series
The film series is part of the art club at PVCC. The film series meets twice a semester, usually weeks two and ten. The meetings typically follow a studio art class on a day such as Wednesday when most students are on campus. Look for information posted around campus for upcoming meetings. The films for this semester include Loving, Hidden Figures, and Manchester by the Sea. Club President Julia Grammer says, “For the art club film series we try to choose compelling films that appeal to critics and audiences alike; that cover topics of interest to artists and have meaningful social content and interesting visual elements.” Contact Faculty adviser Beryl Solla at bsolla@pvcc.edu.
The first Free Movie Friday is Jan. 20. The film Loving will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in the Dickinson Building.
The Forum
The Forum, PVCC’s newspaper, provides a voice for the student body. The Forum offers students the opportunity to report their news and share their ideas while also learning the fundamentals of the journalistic experience. Faculty Adviser Tamara Whyte said, “We welcome any level of commitment or skill.” The Forum meets once a month at varied times depending on student scheduling. The first meeting is Feb. 2 at 1:30 in M251. Faculty Adviser: Tamara Whyte, twhyte@pvcc.edu. Student Contact/club President Skye Scott, sms29219@email.vccs.edu
Website: www.piedmontforum.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PVCCForum
Twitter: @PVCCForum
Instagram: PVCCForum
French Club
The French Club is dedicated to bringing about a greater appreciation for the French language and French culture. To this end, the main mission of the club is to aid students in their learning of French, as well as to provide an environment for them to enjoy all things French. No prior knowledge of French is needed, and native French speakers are encouraged to join. For information about the French Culture club, contact the club president, Brandi Rey blh28575@email.vccs.edu, or the Faculty Adviser Kris Swanson kswanson@pvcc.edu.
Gender Equality Club
Our mission is to promote gender equality by educating the PVCC community about gender inequality and providing a forum to discuss issues related to gender. Gender equality does not imply that all people experience and express gender identity in the same way, but that all people should have equal rights and be treated with the same respect. For more information and details about this club, please contact Faculty Adviser Connie Jorgensen cjorgensen@pvcc.edu.
German Club
The purpose of German Club is to promote knowledge of and interest in German language, history and culture and to provide a relaxed setting where students can pursue this interest. Members can engage in various activities such as watching German movies, practicing their speaking skills in German, playing German board games, etc. In addition, they usually organize one or two events each semester.
Faculty Advisor: Patricia Jassmann, pjassmann@pvcc.edu
Student Contact(s): Nathan Duncan, nld2027@email.vccs.edu and Stacie Dowdy, sld2304@email.vccs.edu
Graphics Club
The Graphics Club hosts the Graphics Club Hour, where they invite speakers, hold workshops, present movies, and work in creative teams on special, real-world projects. The Graphics Club is geared for CSC Graphic Design Program students, but is open to all students interested in or experienced in all things related to design. For more information on the Graphics club, contact Aubrey Tomlin at atomlin8755@email.vccs.edu.
HOPE @ PIEDMONT is a new club at Piedmont Virginia Community College. Its function is to “Stand up against sexual violence and support any student who has endured an assault, is facing a pregnancy, or going through an emotional crisis while in college,” according to club Adviser Jackie Fisher. HOPE@PEIDMONT meets every other Tuesday, noon to 1 p.m. in the Pace Board Room, M814 in the Technology wing. For more information, please contact Abby Lannon, club president: atl20118@email.vccs.edu or HopeAtPiedmont@gmail.com.
Horticulture & Environmental Club
In 2007, PVCC’s Horticulture & Environmental Club was formed to provide students and community members with an organic garden to learn about environmentally-sound horticulture and sustainable practices. Their current project is an organic garden for use as a practical learning platform for environmentally-sound horticulture. The founding of an organic vegetable garden encourages more interest for other students, faculty, staff and the community to learn and put in practice environmentally-healthy horticulture. The excess food that is produced by the garden will find its way into the local food stream of the hungry in the community. As a club they are also interested in encouraging sustainable practices both on our campus and the College’s service region. More information can be found on their website: http://pvcchorticulture.wordpress.com
Email co-advisers David Lerman dlerman@pvcc.edu or Jennifer Scott (scott@pvcc.edu for further information.
International Club
The International club is a service and social club designed to bring together PVCC students from other countries with the PVCC community. The international club hosts many events, including potlucks, picnics, bowling excursions, trips and more. Student contact: Jonathon Languasco, jbl27@email.vccs.edu. Faculty adviser: Irina Timchenko itimchenko@pvcc.edu.
Investment Club
The Investment Club is one of the oldest clubs on PVCC’s campus. Its mission is to help students improve their knowledge of the economy and Page 8 market of our country. Visit their website: www.facebook.com/pvccinvestmentclub. For more information, please contact the Faculty Adviser: Mahmood Moghimzadeh, mmoghimzadeh@pvcc.edu.
Japan Club
The Japan Club aims to bring a piece of Japanese culture to PVCC by playing Japanese games, by indulging in some Japanese food, by providing insight into Japanese society and tradition, and by bringing people who are interested in Japan together. On top of all this, we might, just maybe, have a little bit of fun along the way! For more information about the Japan club, contact the club’s president, Alec Traaseth, akt221@email.vccs.edu or the club Adviser, Noriko Donahue at ndonahue@pvcc.edu.
Latter-day Saints Club
The goal of the Latter-day Saints (LDS) Club is to seek gospel understanding in a scholarly setting and search for the light that comes from becoming acquainted with the lessons of the scriptures. The club endeavors to share the peace that is experienced during the study of scriptures. For more information, contact the student contact, Melissa Ann Kibbe, mak21690@email.vccs.edu, or the Club Adviser, Andrew Renshaw, at renshaw@pvcc.edu.
LGBT+ Club
The LGBT+ club works to foster a sense of community between all PVCC students and to increase awareness of the lives and issues faced by people with diverse sexualities and gender identities. They participate in outreach to the LGBT+ community at large and work to create a safe atmosphere with PVCC and surrounding communities. Contact club president Annelise Stunes, as2027@email.vccs.edu or faculty advisers Barbara Heyl, bheyl@pvcc.edu, and Renee Eves, reves@pvcc.edu for more information.
Masquers Club (Theatre)
The Masquers Club is for students interested in any aspect of theatre, including film. Masquers fosters interest in live theatre through co-sponsorship of major theatre productions and through production of smaller theatre offerings, as well as by encouraging participation of students both as audience members and performers/technicians. For more information, please contact Faculty Adviser Brad Stoller, bstoller@pvcc.edu.
The Math Club
The Math Club at PVCC is for those who enjoy math and want to share that fun with others. Hosting Pi Day events and a spring math day for area elementary students are only two of the fun projects for the coming year. The Math Club contains PVCC’s Chapter of Mu Alpha Theta (ΜΑΘ), a subset of the club which is the mathematics honor society. Members of the honor society are eligible to wear ΜΑΘ’s graduation honor cords. For more information, contact club advisers Diane Valade dvalade@pvcc.edu, Justin Storer jstorer@pvcc.edu or club president Cameron Krest cpk236@email.vccs.edu.
Music Club
The Music Club is a place where people who share a love for music gather together to play music in jam sessions at The Maxwell Theater (Black Box) in the Dickinson building or just to discuss their appreciation of music. “I would recommend the Music Club to anyone that loves music. It’s a great way to meet new friends that share an interest in music – the best art form, in my humble opinion,” said Michael Baize. For more information, contact club adviser Kay Bethea at kbethea@pvcc.edu or student contacts Mike Baize at mbaize6274@email.vccs.edu and Jacob Brumback at jrb264345@email.vccs.edu.
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an international honorary academic honor society for two-year colleges. Academic standards must be met to be eligible for membership. Applications should be submitted electronically directly to the national society. Please see PTK PVCC Facebook page for the latest news. Faculty Advisers: Bruce Robinson brobinson@pvcc.edu and Kit Decker kdecker@pvcc.edu.
Piedmont Student Launch Team
The Piedmont Student Launch Team was created to bring together a diverse group of PVCC students who share the desire to build insanely high powered rockets and compete in NASA’s Student Launch Initiative. The club provides a unique opportunity for interesting social interaction, combined with personal and career development, all while having a great time building rockets!
Faculty Adviser: Yana Goddard, ygoddard@pvcc.edu
Student Contact: Andrew Oxford, abo2738@email.vccs.edu
Web site: http://www.piedmontlaunch.org/
Piedmont Rotaract Club
The Piedmont Rotaract Club is a service club that is part of the Rotary International network of professionals working together. Rotaract Club members will:
- Plan and lead community service projects
- Develop leadership skills through networking with local Rotary Club members
- Interact with service-minded people
- Make new friends and have fun!
The club meets on Wednesdays from 12-1 p.m. in room 175.
Club Adviser: Miriam Rushfinn mrushfinn@pvcc.edu
Student Contacts: Stephanie Pellicane spellbird@yahoo.com
Pottery Club
The Pottery Club offers a creative outlet for students enrolled in the ceramics courses and those who love art. In this club, students have the opportunity to hone their skills with pottery clay and make them manifest in works of art. This artisan club nurtures the skills already gained and develops those yet to be mastered. The Pottery Club meets in the Dickinson building. For more information on the Pottery Club, contact Tom Clarkson at tclarkson@pvcc.edu.
Radiography Club
The Radiography Club at PVCC strives to maintain the highest level of excellence in their clinical and didactic curriculums as well as providing the utmost quality in patient care. The Radiography Club of Piedmont Virginia Community College will become a network of Radiography students assisting each other to ensure success in their future careers. It is their mission to perform at the highest ethical and professional standards set forth by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Code of Ethics. Through their actions, they will increase awareness of the Radiography field to Piedmont Virginia Community College as well as the community at large. For more information on this club and the radiography program, contact Faculty Advisers Nicole Winkler at nwinkler@pvcc.edu and Adriea Clarke at aclarke@pvcc.edu. For more information on the club, contact President Joyce Howard, jmd27111@email.vccs.edu
Science Club
The PVCC Science Club aims to promote science in our community by sharing how science applies to the real world, celebrating the creative nature of science, and making science more accessible and inclusive. All are welcome. Our meetings are held in the Keats Science Building. For more information, contact Faculty Adviser Anne Allison at aallison@pvcc.edu.
The Soccer Club
The Soccer Club invites members to be part of this great sport. You don’t need to be experienced with the sport; if you are interested in trying it for the first time, they will make you feel welcomed. They have many members that play soccer tournaments throughout the semester. All students are invited to come and cheer for the school’s soccer team. For more information, contact Faculty Adviser Steve McNerney at smcnerney@pvcc.edu.
Sonography Club
The Sonography Club’s mission is to increase awareness of our field in the community at large and the college community. It is the club’s purpose to mentor fellow students and to encourage professional development and ethics with the common goal of providing quality patient care and imaging. Staff Adviser Lisa Burrington describes a typical Sonography Club meeting: “Students may determine how they will raise funds and plan for that. In the past, students have arranged tutoring meetings and have arranged to have guest speakers.” For more information, contact Club Adviser Lisa Burrington at lburrington@pvcc.edu.
SNAP Club (Student Nurse Association at PVCC)
The Student Nurse Association at PVCC (SNAP) is an organization created by PVCC student nurses. They strive to support nursing students on their journey and promote an atmosphere of professional collaboration and academic excellence. They host orientation sessions for onboarding students, promote events that outreach to the community and work to boost morale of students. Through SNAP, nursing students can build an encouraging network between themselves and also serve others.
Club de Español (Spanish Club)
The Spanish Club meets on a weekly basis to chat in Spanish, share food and music, watch films, play games such as loteria or Manzanas con manzanas, hear occasional presentations, make crafts such as papel picado or cascarones, meet visitors from other countries, and organize club events such as visits to local restaurants, the Casa Bolívar at U.Va., or a local salsa class. Students of all levels – from novices to native speakers – are welcome to attend. To learn more, contact the Faculty Advisers Kit Decker (kdecker@pvcc.edu) or Jorge Grajales-Diaz (jgrajalesdiaz@pvcc.edu).
Student Government Association (SGA)
The Student Government Association (SGA) of Piedmont Virginia Community College is the primary organization for representing the interests of all students to the faculty, staff, and administration. SGA represents the rights, interests, and concerns of the student body to college officials while promoting an effective communication network between students, faculty, and staff. As a council for student ideas and concerns, the SGA works in conjunction with the College to improve student quality of life by planning, supporting, and running several student events. The SGA also encourages the establishment of new clubs. Learn more about the SGA on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pvccstudentgov
Student Veterans of America
Student Veterans of America provides students who are veterans or active service members and their families with the resources, support and advocacy needed to meet their education and career goals while at PVCC and following graduation. The organization participates in and organizes projects, events and activities and provides a social group to help veterans transition to life on campus and PVCC Student Government Association members in the community. For more information about SVA club, please contact Club Adviser Jackie Fisher at jfisher@pvcc.edu.
Tennis Club
For those who love to play tennis or always had a burning desire to play, here is your chance with Tennis Club. Tennis Club is open to people of all skill levels. The club’s main goal is to promote tennis throughout PVCC. For more information, contact student contact Tom Cude (tec2453@email.vccs.edu) or the Club Adviser John Thornton (mthorton@pvcc.edu)
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Led by team captain Calvin Biesecker, the Ultimate Frisbee Club meets on Fridays at noon. The Ultimate Frisbee Club is one of the longest running sports clubs currently on campus, if not the longest. Staff adviser, John Gulley had much to say about the club, including reports of heaven shining its light down upon club members, perhaps explaining the club’s lasting appeal. “If you’re interested in joining, look up and join the PVCC Ultimate Facebook site,” said Gulley. The club is co-ed. All are welcome. Contact Club Adviser John Gulley at jgulley@pvcc.edu.
Be a part of the most successful advocacy group for young people in the nation by joining Piedmont Virginia Community College’s Virginia21 chapter! Our goal is to educate students of all ages to influence policy by coordinating statewide political action on issues important to higher education. Members are given opportunities to lobby at General Assembly, attend leadership conferences with public officials, tour the Virginia State Capitol, be active among events at PVCC, and much more! Their motto is that they are the “voice of a generation.” Come be that “voice” and join them at their biweekly meetings on Wednesdays from 12:00-12:50 p.m. (pizza and drinks provided). For more information: www.virginia21.org
Student Contact: Grayson Katzenbach, gk242@email.vccs.edu
Faculty Adviser: Connie Jorgensen, cjorgensen@pvcc.edu
Volunteer Club
Interested in helping out the local community or making the campus a better place? Join the Volunteer Club. Specific activities will be determined by members of the club and can range from on campus functions (charity drives) to off campus initiatives (community events). For more information, please contact the Faculty Adviser Todd Platts tplatts@pvcc.edu.
Women in STEM Club
The Women in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) Club provides social support and STEM focused discussion and activities for students interested in STEM fields. The club has collaborated with other student clubs to sponsor discussions about career pathways in STEM. For more information, please contact the Faculty Adviser: Joanna Vondrasek jvondrasek@pvcc.edu or student contact: Annelise Stunes as2027@email.vccs.edu