Red Cross Blood Drive
Tucker Noelke, staff writer
On Tuesday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., PVCC is hosting the American Red Cross blood drive. The event will occur in the main building North Hall Meeting Room.
There are many reasons to donate blood, one important one being that there is a constant need for healthy blood. The general guidelines for being eligible to donate blood are being in good health, feeling well the day of donating, being at least 17 years old, weighing at least 110 pounds, and not having donated blood within the last 56 days.
When a person is qualified to donate their blood, there are a few easy steps to take before donating. A person needs to have a donor card or another form of identification such as a driver’s license, student ID, or passport. More forms of identification they accept can be found online on the American Red Cross website. A list of medications a person is currently taking is also required before donating blood.
The whole process of registering, the mini physical, and donating takes up to an hour. The actual donation of blood takes eight to ten minutes. After the donating is over, participants are encouraged to wait 10 to 15 minutes at the refreshment area before going about other activities.
Blood donation is a safe and easy way to help other people. When a person donates blood, they are saving up to three lives. Such a simple task can be a huge impact to someone else.