Foods From Around The Globe
Jake DeLaurier, staff writer
On April 5, 2017, Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) held their 29th annual International Food Festival in the North Mall Meeting room. At the event, students and faculty enjoyed food courtesy of local restaurants and PVCC clubs. These included The Bavarian Chef, Black Student Alliance, East Garden, French Club, Himalayan Fusion, International Club, Mican Japanese Restaurant, Pad Thai, and the Spanish Club.

“Why is it important? Let’s see, so that students, staff and faculty can come together and appreciate cuisine from different countries,” wrote Professor of Spanish Kit Decker in an email.
During the festival, tickets were required to purchase food. These tickets could be purchased outside the North Mall Meeting room. Each ticket cost $1 and would correspond with the food that was for sale. For example, if something at the festival cost $2, then that meant it was worth two tickets.

The North Mall Meeting room was packed with students and faculty eager to see the food that was being offered. The food ranged from the traditional macaroni and cheese from the Black Student Alliance, to unfamiliar foods like tres leches from the Spanish club which is cake soaked in various types of milk.

Restaurants like The Bavarian Chef offered food that included sausages with sauerkraut, cheese spaetzle, creamy red pepper soup with crab meat, and apfelstrüdel.

The foods that drew the most attention were the foods from the French Club and Spanish Club. The French Club made crepes with the options of adding Smuckers jam, Nutella, strawberries, whip cream, and edible flowers for garnish.

The French Club also offered cooked snails that were prepared with plenty of butter and garlic. The cooked snails were given out for free and also came with a small slice of a baguette. Some of the food offered by the Spanish Club included enchiladas and tamales.
All the proceeds from this year’s International Food Festival were donated to the International Rescue Committee of Charlottesville