Annual SGA Welcome Back Social
Charles Stish, assistant editor

Despite Wednesday, Sept. 6 being cold and dreary, the air inside PVCC’s Bolick Student Center was warm and bright as students and faculty reveled in the joyous festivities that were part of the Student Government Association’s (SGA) Welcome Back Social.
Going from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Welcome Back Social included live music from folk singer Susan Greenbaum and her drummer Chris Parker, a juggling performance by Erin Riley, professional face painting, and a pie eating contest. The event was catered by Korner Restaurant, who served pork barbecue, macaroni and cheese, and cooked green beans among other traditional American barbecue foods. Additionally, HOPE@Piedmont setup a popcorn machine to serve anyone who might enjoy a light snack.
Arguably, the most exciting event was the pie eating contest which consisted of three rounds with the first one being for PVCC faculty and staff members and the rest being for students. The faculty round drew the most attention with a large crowd taking photos and videos of the competitors. Many people were cheering for Kemper Steele, PVCC’s director of advising and transfer admissions, as he lost the past three competitions but pulled through and won this year. After winning, he exclaimed, “Finally! After three years!”
The SGA has planned the Welcome Back Social since the beginning of the summer along with future SGA events. When SGA President Waqas Al Mulhim was asked his thoughts on the Welcome Back Social, he replied smiling, “It went way better than expected!”