PVCC Student Success Day
Deadra Miller, staff writer
Feb. 28, a wonderful day to succeed as a student at PVCC. PVCC’s Student Success Day was organized by the Student Success Office in M132. The advisors involved were David Lerman, Kristen Holt, Deanne Browning, and Kristy Simpkins. D’Ann Griego, a Student Success Office assistant, and Andy Hoffmann, the Student Success Office intern, were also involved.
Between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. there was a resource fair containing PVCC resources and services.
The fair included the PVCC Diversity table, which had a hand in organizing the premiere of I’m Not Racist … Am I? later that night. Students that investigated the table had the chance to take a picture with a dry erase board stating what they stand against.
PVCC student Adam Rayburn asked, “What is stand against all about?” The Phi Theta Kappa members sitting at this table explained it is a way for students to voice what they stand against in today’s society. Students wrote things such as discrimination, inequality, racism, sexism, stereotypes, and hate.
The SGA had a table as well for recruiting new members and advertising the upcoming Talent Show (April 13) and Spring Fling (April 4). The current president of SGA, Michael Apgar, was manning the table and conversing with perspective SGA newcomers.
The Student Success Office would like to encourage any student who wants to meet with a student success advisor to come by the offices located in M132.