CVILLE Restaurant Week: A Vision, A Mission
Amber Monroe, staff writer
There is enough food to go around, but not everyone gets fed. Numbers and statistics continue to fluctuate, but hunger and malnutrition are major issues world wide. According to Blue Ridge Food bank statistics, 1 in 5 children in America face hunger.
Once a year, Charlottesville hosts Restaurant Week. This year it was held from Jan. 19 to Jan. 28. Many speak of the event as a time to grab a cheap meal or save a few bucks at your favorite local restaurant but, in fact, the purpose deserves large scale recognition.
According to Cville Restaurant week website, each year the city partners with new charities.
This year, Blue Ridge Area Food Bank will benefit. Diners get to choose from a large list of participating restaurants such as Shadwells, The Melting Pot, Three Notch’d Craft Kitchen and Brewery, The Whiskey Jar, and many more.
The special fixed price includes a three-course meal to include an appetizer, an entrée and dessert for just $25 or $35. A full list can be found on the website: www.c-villerestaurantweek.com.
While enjoying the event at Shadwells, I spoke to the manager.

The manager said, “Charlottesville continues to support Blue Ridge Area Food Bank because they work with so many community partners to help solve hunger in central Virginia. One dollar from each meal would be donated to the food bank and distributed throughout the community.”
The food bank’s website mission reads as follows, “Blue Ridge Area Food Bank serves 25 counties and e cities providing nutrition to 105,000 people monthly. The Vision is that everyone has enough to eat.”