Expanding our Horizons to the West
Matthew Chaney, staff writer
One particular class people might find interesting in taking is History of Western Civilization I.
Adjunct Assistant Professor Thomas Ridenhour is teaching this course in Summer 2018.
Ridenhour is no amateur when it comes to the world of Western Civilization. He has taught history at UVA and PVCC for the span of 12 years. He teaches classes spanning from 10 students in the regular semester to 25 students during the summer.
Through the course of teaching this subject, Ridenhour knows how many assignments he should give out during the particular time of the year.
He has found that students do not have much time when it comes to summer classes, but students should expect to have one final, a midterm, two essays, and a couple of discussion board assignments over the span of his summer course.
More than enjoying the subject, he has specific periods that he quite enjoys teaching to other students.
He says, “…I have a fondness for the Classical period and the end of the Roman Empire during the 16th and 17th century.”
Ridenhour states the toughest topic he finds students have the most difficulty with is religion and clashes between western civilizations. Delving deeper into his particular subject, he emphasizes why he believes it is critical for students to learn the subject of western civilization.