Learn about World Religions at PVCC
Andrew Ferralli, staff writer
America is sometimes referred to as a melting pot, with varying views, ethnicities, and religions all coming together as one group. With many variations among beliefs, it is hard to understand them all. There is a solution here at PVCC in both the summer and fall semester. Take REL 230-Religions of the World.
Religions of the World spans every continent’s religious beliefs and practices starting with native beliefs and going into more modern religions including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism.
World Religions covers everything from Shintoism in Japan, to modern religious movements worldwide, giving students new perspectives and knowledge to help them as they go through society meeting others.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Religion Angela Daniel is the only REL 230 instructor. Daniel has experienced various religions first hand which helps her truly connect with her students. Many students recommend Daniel’s course including current student Phillip Cole. Cole said, “Daniel is one of the best professors I’ve ever had.”
Another current student of the course, Rebecca Davidsson, recommends this course to anyone who wants to take a transfer elective and hopes to work with people.
“It has really opened my mind up to different perspectives,” said Davidsson.
With religion being a driving force of society it makes it especially important to learn today as said by both Cole and Davidsson.
If interested in learning about other cultures or finding your faith, Religions of the World is a option. If you have any questions about the course, Adjunct Assistant Professor Daniel can be contacted at Adaniel@pvcc.edu, she would be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns.
If you decide to take REL-230, Daniel will share a quote by Max Muller, “He who knows one [religion], knows none.”