Student Government Association News
Alexandra Keniston, SGA public relations director

Welcome back students and staff for a new year at PVCC. So far this semester, SGA has some upcoming events we hope many students will participate in. To begin this semester off right, SGA will be hosting two big events and seven smaller events. The two big events will be the Spring Fling and a Sexual Education Week in the Bolick Student Center.
During the Sexual Education Week, the SGA will have events Feb. 12-14. Some of the things we will be sponsoring include a Jeopardy-style game with various assorted prizes and having Planned Parenthood come in and talk about the services they offer.
For the Spring Fling, we will be having it later on in April, and it will lead up to the Free Movie Friday. The SGA plans to have a DJ, human jousting and free food at the Spring Fling.
For the smaller events, we will plan to partner with some of the clubs at PVCC to bring awareness to the variety of clubs and organizations that we have on campus. There are talks about a new building being added to campus.
Until Feb. 5, SGA will be taking suggestions as to what the student body wants in the new building. If you want to be heard, please place a suggestion in the suggestion box in the Bolick Student Center.
To keep up with SGA news, you can follow us on Facebook @pvccstudentgov.
As always, students who are interested in joining the SGA can apply by filling out this online application https://tinyurl.com/y7357jox.