79-73 Falcons Heated Win Over Knights
Samantha Aldridge, staff writer
The Fuqua Falcons, from Prince Edward County, traveled into the Buckingham Knights’ territory Wed. Jan. 30. Already met with friendly competition, Fuqua fans came to Buckingham High wearing camouflage outfits to mock the section of southern students. The student body heard the rumors about the mockery and showed up proudly in their green and gold colors in support of the team.
Upon arriving, the gym was full of students and families from both schools. Everyone could not miss the section full of the Fuqua students in their camouflage attire. When The Knights walked in, multiple students looked the Fuqua fan section up and down before coming together onto the court. One Buckingham student, Natalie, mentioned a slight joke about the camo clothing saying, “At least we don’t have to see them.”
The bleachers in the gym were nearly full. After the game began, Buckingham came in strong. There were multiple 3- point shots made mostly by Jalen Chambers, junior. After the first quarter, the Falcon’s led with a score of 18-14. The quarter went by fast, and the fans yelled back and forth at each other.
Not only was the game itself heating up, but so was the tension between the fans and referees. With loud complaints coming from both sides of the gym towards the referees and their calls.
The second quarter had the same pace as the first, but consisted of more time-outs and fouls between both teams. The Falcon’s led the second quarter with the score being 28 – 26.
Before half time arrived, the Fuqua fan section mocked the Buckingham cheerleaders which resulted in loud banter from across both sides of the gym.
The cheerleaders started tossing free miniature basketballs into the crowd during half time. People then flowed out of the gym and the people who were standing went up to steal seats.
The last two quarters were the most stressful for both teams. With time running out and the score close, the entire gym was on their toes watching every second tick by.
Eventually the back and forth abruptly stopped and the scoreboard showed 79-73. Buckingham Knights fans left with their heads low while the Falcons heads were held high.
Chambers led the score for the Knights with 23 points while Drew Osburn led for the Falcons with 20 points.