Rob Bell Meets with Students at PVCC
On Thursday, Oct. 24, Virginia Delegate Rob Bell greeted students in PVCC’s Bolick Center. Delegate Bell is currently the Republican candidate in a race for Virginia House District 58. The meet and greet started at 12 p.m. and lasted a little under an hour. Accompanying Delegate Bell was his assistant and President Frank Friedman.
Bell spoke with fellow PVCC students and staff about the issues he wishes to address if reelected. Some of those issues that he spoke about included mental health reform, veteran services, and anti-abortion legislation. After introducing himself, he opened the floor to questions from students and staff.
Every five minutes, Bell would notice that new people came into the crowd and would ask the same question, “Is there anything that I can help with in the transfer process to a four-year school?” Several students made comments of their concerns when dealing with transferring.
After talking about the community college system, Bell answered a question about mental health. Bell said that he is an advocate for mental health care reform and always has been since his son has been diagnosed with a mental illness. He then went on to talk about Senator Creigh Deeds’ son and his suicide. He said that the reason Deeds’ son killed himself was partly because he could not find a psychiatric hospital that had room for him.
Bell implied that Deeds’ son was denied entry and later took his own life after not seeking proper medical treatment. Bell’s goal for mental health reform is to make more room available for those who need it. Bell also spoke about how some people with mental illnesses will be taken to jail instead of a psychiatric hospital, which can lead to negative outcomes.
One of the last questions that Bell answered was his view on abortion. Bell went on to talk about how Virginia has passed multiple bills that are related to abortion. He said, “The part of the bill that received the most attention was a reduction of restrictions on third trimester abortions. I am pro-life, so it failed 5-3.”
When Bell was finished answering questions, students had the ability to talk with him one-on-one to get to know him a little better and have any questions answered. Bell handed out business cards to anyone who asked for one. After the meet and greet was over, students were able to enjoy bagels provided by Bell.