Gordonsville’s Celebration of Veterans
On Nov. 9, Gordonsville’s Mayor Robert Coiner, and city celebrated the local veteran heroes.
Annually, Gordonsville hosts a parade that involves many communities. From local marching bands to blacksmiths, everyone who signs up by Gordonsville’s application deadline has a spot in the parade.
This year, there were approximately four side streets filled with participants for the parade.
After the parade route was completed by the participants, there was an award ceremony held at the Gordonsville Fire House.
Sixteen winners for various reasons that participated in the parade were awarded by Mayor Coiner.
To begin the awards ceremony, Fork Union Military Academy (FUMA) presented the colors (the American flag, Virginia flag, FUMA flag, and two riflemen). The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 12 of Gordonsville. Richard Shotwell recited the opening prayer; Mayor Coiner led opening remarks and the honorable mention of the veterans.
During the recognition of the veterans, Mayor Coiner honored five different veterans from the Gordonsville area; Sam Jurlando (U.S. Navy Veteran), Lillian Kay MacCormack and her husband Alexander MacCormack (U.S. Army Veterans), Victoria Sukar (U.S. Navy Veteran), and Forrest Elliott.
After the recognition of veterans, Dr. William “Bill” Foster Hughes, retired colonel, U.S. Army, the keynote speaker, spoke “about how Americans should be able to agree on the support of this nations’ Veterans.” Hughes left the audience speechless.
After Hughes gave his speech, Mayor Coiner presented the awards to the participants and their organizations.
If you are part of an organization that would like to participate in Gordonsville’s 12 Annual Veteran’s Day Parade check out the Gordonsville website at https://www.townofgordonsville.org/ and fill out an application for entry into the parade.
The author of this article walked in this parade with Charlottesville VFW Post 1827.