Spamalot Brings Laughs to PVCC
PVCC Theatre hosted Spamalot from Nov. 21-24. Spamalot retells the story of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but in a Broadway musical format. There is something in this musical for everyone. Even if you are normally not a fan of musicals, you will surely enjoy this play. Monty Python and the Holy Grail fans will not be disappointed by the play either. Many of the iconic scenes from the movie are “lovingly ripped off from the motion picture,” says the play’s tagline.
The performances from the cast were spectacular. The comedy was well delivered, and the cast received laughs from the audience at all the right times. Two memorable scenes that were adapted into the play were the Knights of Ni and the French taunter. Both the French taunter and the leading knight of Ni were played by PVCC’s own Professor of Spanish Kit Decker.
Another particularly funny sketch was when Dennis Galahad (played by Zack Zartler) was arguing with Arthur (played by Timothy Read) about the legitimacy of his claim to being king. Galahad argues that Arthur was not elected by the people and therefore has no authority.
Galahad’s mother (played by Marie Lotter), on the other hand, was more than happy to have a rich king visiting. She would constantly try to butter up Arthur while Patsy, Arthur’s traveling companion, would constantly fight her off. Many of the scenes were done in this manner. There was a primary conflict and then several background interactions between characters that were just as funny.
The vocal performances from the cast were also amazing. Some of the most memorable songs were performed with the Lady of the Lake (played by Deanna Dellaganna).
Jill Clark, a guest at the play said, “The mix of students and local actors made the play feel very professional.”
While there are no more plays planned for PVCC this semester. There will be a Chorus Concert hosted by PVCC on Dec. 8 and be on the lookout for more Fine Arts performances come next year.