Trans-Siberian Orchestra Wows Cville
Cody Clark, assistant editor
The Trans-Siberian Orchestra came to Charlottesville’s John Paul Jones Arena on Dec. 19. This was part of their 2019 Winter Tour which had TSO going all over the United States. Charlottesville was lucky to have TSO stop by as they did not disappoint.
When I entered the JPJ arena the raw energy from the crowd was evident. Everyone was excited for the TSO’s first concert here in Charlottesville. A thick fog permeated the stadium, adding another level to the atmosphere. The stage was set with one main platform in the center, and it was raised on the sides and towards the back. Large screens were positioned behind the stage and above it. They displayed an hourglass counting down to the time the performance would start.
The hourglasses ticked down, and the crowd roared in anticipation for the show to begin. TCO’s storyteller came on stage and began to tell the story, “On a snow-blessed Christmas Eve a young man found himself alone in the back of an old city bar.” The story was about an angel sent to Earth by God to find one thing that represents all the good that is done in the name of Christmas. Songs that were performed include “Can You Hear Me Now,” “A Mad Russian’s Christmas,” “The Storm / The Mountain,” and “Christmas Eve/Carol of the Bells.” Each song was complemented with a spectacular display of lights, lasers, and in some cases flames. From the floor seating my mother and I had, we could feel the heat on our faces from the flames.
The Storm / The Mountain the most stunning display compared to the rest. It was an amazing display of electricity cascading all across the stage at the backs of the musicians. The lead guitarists (Chris Caffery and Joel Hoekstra), bassist (Tony Dickinson), and violinist (Roddy Chong) were always front and center. They traveled up and down the stage and moved to the music while playing their respective instruments. Chong was particularly animated, and by the end of the night, his bow (the tool that is used to play a violin) was nearly destroyed. At different points in the concert, the guitarists, Caffery and Hoekstra, moved among the audience taking pictures with fans and interacting with the crowd.
Along with the instrumental performance, the vocals were stellar as well. Two of the more vocal oriented songs, “Prince of Peace” and “Can You Hear Me Now,” were sung by Erika Jerry and Kayla Reeves. Both ladies had powerful voices that captured everyone’s attention and captivated them for the entire song despite both songs being much slower compared to many of the other songs played that night.
TSO’s concerts are a unique experience that just about anyone can enjoy. There is a message about love, compassion, and the Christmas spirit interwoven with beautiful heartfelt songs and head-banging rock n’ roll.