SFRC: Helping Students in Need
The Student Financial Resource Center (SFRC) offers many different tools to help students succeed in life and in school. When you do not have enough money for food or good clothes but need a job and energy for school, it is hard. This can create a never-ending cycle of needing resources to get the resources you need. But the SFRC gives people a chance to stop the cycle and grow. They give students everything from financial assistance and counseling to free food and clothing.
“When we first started one of the most useful resources was the food pantry. However, now I think the most useful resource would be the resources [themselves],” said the Coordinator of the SFRC, Amanda Key. The SFRC offers an assortment of resources, like their name suggests. Key said that a nice tool they have, that not many people know about, is the office itself. It is a safe and free space where students can study. The SFRC also gives financial assistance and education.
Key said, “We try not to provide financial support without financial education.” Their goal is to help students as much as possible so they can help themselves in the future. The center offers referral services, tax preparation, and other useful financial tools to help students.
The SFRC is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. But students can stop by the food pantry right beside it throughout the week as well from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Both are located down the 100 wing at the opposite side of the hall from the gym.
In the food pantry, lots of different foods are available. They have a fridge stocked with milk, vegetables, eggs, butter, as well as cold drinks. Their shelves have an assortment of staple foods from pasta meals, to canned soups, and cereal for breakfast.
But the food pantry does not just supply food. They also have binders for school, bathroom supplies, and cat food so you can feed your furry friends. Along with those things, their selection of clothing is useful. There are nice shoes and suits for interviews that students can borrow or keep.
Key said that, “You can donate to the pantry by donating clothing or donating food.” She went on to say that they take school supplies and hygiene products as well. All donations can be dropped off in the two barrels outside the food pantry or to the office directly. They go through things quickly, especially the refrigerated items, so donations are always welcome.
People can be afraid to ask for help or reach out. But the Financial Resource Center wants to help everyone and is willing to go out of their way to support students. On occasion they even go to houses to provide that support.
“You do what you need to do in order to provide the services that the individual needs,” said Key.