Zeta Tau Alpha thrives on sisterhood
Over the past two years, I have been intrigued by Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA). ZTA is a group of young ladies that become a unity of sisters to form an outstanding sisterhood place of comfort. That it is a place where people can find more than pretty faces, glittery skirts, and pretty hair. Zeta Tau Alpha is where you can find family and friends that will grow old with you and still drink wine coolers and vodka like you are 21. Where you can find your future bridesmaids or your future godmother and aunties to your children. Where you can find a best friend that is more than that and becomes your sister.
This is a group of young ladies who bring true and honest meaning to what the definition of sister truly means today and throughout history.. ZTA is more than a fraternity. It is a family for the long haul. The history of ZTA goes back to the 1800s founded by nine young women attending the State Female Normal School (later Longwood College) in Farmville, Virginia.
In 1897, the group was referred to by founder Maud Jones as “our little crowd.” The nine founding members are Jones Horner, Frances Yancey Smith, Marry Jones Batte, Ethel Coleman Van Name, Ruby Leigh Orgain, Alice Bland Coleman, Della Lewis Hundley, Alice Grey Welsh, and Helen M. Crawford. The founders made sure it was a fraternity and they do not have a brother fraternity like other sororities have.
From the information that I have gathered from recent sisters that are attending school as a ZTA, it is an experience that no one should miss and the best choice that they ever made. Even though they have a job working for ZTA and it can be tiring but so worth it when it all comes together in the end. I got an interview with another sister of the fraternity. She is also another one of my other little sisters, Leah Safi. She might not be a sister by blood but she is a sister by heart.
Safi said, “I’m a recruitment officer and membership retention, so basically I plan formal recruitment for zeta which is a part of recruitment. Panhellenic recruitment for the girls to go through and find their home whether it be with zeta or another sorority. I also deal with people who are close to dropping or don’t feel their best in the chapter. That is the retention part.”
Safi is one of the recruitment officers for the ZTA fraternity. She helps set up a lot of the formal events. Besides being the recruitment officer, she is also the membership retention officer. So with these two important jobs that she holds it can be tiring but so exciting at the same time.