Yoga Helps The Mind and Body Flow
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means “union” or “to join.” Currently, it is a common exercise which is often identified by the twisting and contorted postures of the body, but it is much more than that. Yoga is an ancient practice from northern India that involves physical poses, concentration, and breathing techniques.
On Friday, Dec. 2, PVCC invited FlyDog Yoga to conduct a free yoga class from noon to 1 p.m. for the PVCC community. Eleven people attended this class at the Panther Fitness Center, in room M179, which was organized by Interim Director of Student & Campus Engagement Gigi Davis.
FlyDog’s Yoga Instructor Kathryn Heislup guided the students through many different poses. For this class, students did a vinyasa, which is a flow of poses that goes from a cobra or upward-facing dog pose where the back is arched with stomachs towards the floor, to the downward-facing dog pose where the head is down with hips raised. Next, students shifted their bodies into a plank position and the flow ended with chaturanga, or a low plank pose before moving on to different variations of stretches.
Heishlup said, “Rest and recuperation before moving into the weekend was the goal I had for you guys. It’s really hard to let go of your week, especially since you guys have school and there’s just a ton of stuff going on right before the holidays. So, I really wanted you guys to have a chance to relax.”
Brittany Torres, a PVCC student who attended the yoga class, said, “It was a very nice and peaceful experience, and I will definitely be going back!”
Davis was glad to see that the event had a great turnout, and has arranged for more classes. For more information on future events, Davis can be reached at gdavis@pvcc.edu. More information about FlyDog Yoga can be found at their website.