Tea Bazaar Enjoys 20 Years on Downtown Mall
People have been gathering at the Charlottesville Downtown Mall’s Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar since 2002 to enjoy its mindful refreshments, snacks, and cozy, bohemian atmosphere. Twenty years later, they have 50 worldly loose-leaf teas to choose from. Patrons can order a heady dose of exactly what they need online or in person.
Tea benefits the mind and body through its medicinal and aromatic properties. A descriptive trifold menu displays a large selection of Chinese and Japanese green teas, oolong, international black, white, red teas, herbal remedy, house special teas, and more. They are clearly priced with the majority (with the exception of specialty teas like their “blossoming” teas, and Japanese matcha) served in a pot, mug, to-go, or in loose-leaf form. The prices vary depending on what style. Pots of tea are $6.50-$10; for mugs, $4-$6; to-go, $5-$7; and the loose-leaf $6-$10 per ounce. Choosing the right tea means tuning into how your body feels in the present moment, gracing a moment to slow down and care for yourself.
Local photographer and Twisted Branch Manager Corbett Smithson has been a part of the Tea Bazaar family for about 6 years. He said his favorite teas are, “‘Golden Monkey’ and red tea. Red tea is underappreciated.” “Golden Monkey” is one of their red tea selections native to Southern China that is caffeinated, brightly flavored, with earthly honey notes. Smithson noticed that people of all tea-experience enjoy sipping on Golden Monkey.
I was posted up at the Tea Bazaar for about 4 hours working on school assignments. I started uncaffeinated with a mug of “Brain Wave” ($4.50), one of the herbal remedy teas designed to stimulate your mind. It is an invigorating blend of peppermint, sage, gotu kola, fenugreek, lavender, and rosemary. The friendly staff steep all the teas to order and have it down to a science. There’s a table station with sweeteners, salt, napkins, a water jug and cups, and other things people may need as they relax.
I ordered lunch in my second hour; I chose from a selection inspired by Indian and Mediterranean cuisine. This place is great if you are a vegetarian, vegan, or have other dietary preferences. If you bring your appetite, expect to spend $3-$20 depending on what you choose from the menu that features lighter fare and more filling options. I ordered a gluten-free salmon wrap with a side of dahl and rice. It was $20 with a tip, tasted fresh, and made me feel pleasantly satisfied.
I wrapped up my studies with matcha ($7.50), which was whisked into a chawan (tea bowl), as is tradition. Matcha is a more potent form of green tea because it dissolves a powder form of the leaves directly into the water instead of steeping the loose-leaf via teabag. Because of this, the antioxidant-rich tea is tannic (slightly bitter) and delivers stronger effects which are dualistically energizing and relaxing. Caffeine is accompanied by an amino acid that lowers your cortisol, a chemical in our bodies that contributes to stress and adrenaline. It was served with candied papaya and ginger, a delightful compliment. A spicy 16oz Masala chai to-go ($5.50) kept me warm on the way to the car.
If you want to expand your tea knowledge, Smithson said, “There are once-a-month tea talks online or in person.” If you have any questions, You can visit their website www.teabazaar.com to sign up for their emailing list or call 434-293-9947. Their address is 414 East Main Street. Stop by Monday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.