PVCC Eclipse Viewing Party
The most recent solar eclipse was on April 8, so PVCC decided it would be a good opportunity to have a viewing party. Over 200 attendees joined together watching the eclipse on the main building’s outdoor patio. Mary-Evelyn Sellars, coordinator of student life and campus engagement, said, “The eclipse party was amazing! Huge success! I started planning for the event back in February. Many people said it’s a waste of time because we wouldn’t be in totality. I knew we wouldn’t be in totality, but I knew we would have at least some sliver of the eclipse. Regardless, I was like this is a great opportunity to hang out and have fun.”
Teachers, other faculty members, and students enjoyed the warm weather and custom-made Duck Donuts from the Charlottesville Duck Donuts. Sellars handed out donuts and eclipse-viewing glasses quickly.

She said, “I ordered 60 pairs of eclipse medical grade glasses in February because I knew that they would sell out and be really hard to get, and I’m glad I planned early. I contacted our local Duck Donuts, and he made an exclusive set of eclipse donuts for me. I gave out 150 donuts.”
“Don’t throw away your eclipse glasses. They can be recycled,” Sellars said, “As a member of the sustainability committee I am very conscious about recycling and I am now collecting the eclipse glasses for children in South America so they can view the eclipse in October. I will be shipping the glasses in May. So far I have collected over 80 pairs of glasses.”