PVCC’s D&D Club: Humble Beginnings and Heroic Exploits
Halloween is around the corner, and once again, the PVCC Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Club hosted a short and sweet spooky, yet comical, Dungeons and Dragons one-shot game, which is a game self-contained to one session. As has become a Halloween tradition amongst the club, members got together and played a one-shot, hosted by the club. This year the event was hosted on Monday, Oct. 28 within the Main Building’s North Hall Meeting Room. An officer brought snacks and decorations and acted as the dungeon master (DM) as well, whose job it was to craft an adventure for everyone else to play out. While the officer was the DM, the other attendees got a chance to act out and play their characters, some doing so for the first time.
I played as a dark elf wizard with a knack for setting things aflame, while others acted out fantastical characters such as a barbarian who was guided only by their pet crab familiar, and a anthropomorphic lizard rogue. The game’s setting was an abandoned castle, which had since become the residence of a necromancer and it was our heroic duty to rid the nearby town of this menace, though how heroic we actually were is up for debate.
While that game was a one and done situation, the club has multiple long-term campaigns running at the moment and is always looking for new players, even with little or no experience, to come participate. D&D has an undeniable learning curve, everyone is welcoming and willing to teach anyone new the ropes and help them craft a character.
However, if you don’t want to jump head first into the world of long-term campaigning, the club hosts a myriad of events throughout the year, such as the aforementioned Halloween one-shot. While there are no scheduled events in the near future, the club always posts about events it is preparing to host in their club discord server, which I highly recommend anyone join, even if they are only partially interested in learning more about the game.
While still an up and coming club (quite fresh by PVCC Club standards), its relatively small size lets it exist fluidly and allows people to come and go as they please. I’ve found at no point feeling locked in within the club while I have been a member. It is truly a student run club, built off only the love of the game.
If D&D doesn’t peak your interest, or you wish to play a different tabletop game, the PVCC Board game club is in full swing this year, and uses D&D discord server for much of their communication. They are also always looking for members, or even just participants interested in socializing around the focus of board games, card games, and other varieties of tabletop games.
Whether it be Dungeons or Dragons, board games, or any other pastime, PVCC has no end to the amount of student run groups and clubs always looking for new members to come and participate in a shared hobby or pastime.