Older Animals Need Homes, Too
More than likely, everyone who is reading this article has been to an SPCA at least once in their lives. Those sad little eyes peering back from small and pitiful cages. Some are eager to get your attention, while others need time to work up to that. No matter what, all cats and dogs deserve a warm loving home, all of the attention they ask for, lots of treats, and a nice comfy place to sleep.
The Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA is home to a large amount of dogs and cats of all ages. Not many people want older animals and because of this it may years for them to get adopted. While most people prefer to adopt a younger pet, there are unique benefits to adopting a more seasoned pet.
For those who cannot adopt or do not have time to foster an animal, there are other options, such as volunteering at the SPCA. Even just getting a little bit of attention or going on a nice walk can really make an older dog’s day. Especially considering that many older pets don’t get enough attention and care.
One volunteer said, “I already have too many pets at home to adopt anymore, but I volunteer here just to see one old animal. I enjoy taking a variety of dogs on walks and it’s my favorite part of the day.”
Miss May and Russet are among many of the older animals who have been at the SPCA for quite some time. These two lovely pit bulls are inseparable friends who enjoy exciting adventures together. If you happen to be interested in them, just remember that they need to go to the same home.
As the sign says, “Dogs are like potato chips. You can’t have just one.”
For more information about adoption contact the CASPCA at info@caspca.org or call them at 434-973-5959.