December 2021 SGA Update
What is the SGA?
We are a student-led organization that gives PVCC students a platform to voice their concerns and expectations. Our vision is to establish a communal spirit that supports student engagement and develops a civic sense of responsibility.
What do we do?
- Represent the student body and voice their concerns
- Look to build student engagement and student participation
- Improve student satisfaction with PVCC and help take PVCC to new heights
- Host annual events. (Casino night, spring fling, drive-in movie, welcome back social)
Accomplishments so far:
- Successfully held Welcome Back Social event
- Initiated PVCC’s first Service event alongside the IRC (International Refugee Committee)
- Night Against Procrastination taking place on December 8, 2021
- Provided items and support for Boxes4Break
- Organized Voting for PVCC’s next service project
How do I join? As long as you are interested and willing to share your ideas and contribute, we would be happy to have you. If you are looking to spend a couple of hours per month, please do join our General Assembly. If you are looking to be an active member who is directly involved with organizing events and activities, join the SGA Senate. For further information please contact aza251@email.vccs.edu.