PVCC Partners with TJACE Program

Teddie Frock, staff writer   The Thomas Jefferson Adult Career Education (TJACE) program, which was previously administered by Charlottesville High School, has now partnered with PVCC. TJACE  offers adult learners a pathway to obtaining a high school diploma or equivalent, through education and mentoring. Now students can use the many resources available at PVCC. TJACE […]

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Protesters from the Third Annual Women's March

Controversy Weakens the Women’s March

Callan Shore, assistant editor In January, the Women’s March celebrated its third anniversary, but not everyone was offering their congratulations. The leaders of the Women’s March represent many diverse groups, but recently there has been speculation of anti-Semitism at the group’s core. The first objections from the public began when Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory […]

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The Cultural Hub of Free Movie Fridays

Tiana Sigala, staff writer The Dickinson auditorium was in full swing 45 minutes before the showing, and the activity would only pick up. Groups congregated around entryways, pairs located and called out to each other from opposing doors, couples warmly greeted friends and sat together. The demographic was strikingly dissimilar to the students you might […]

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A picture of some of the students in Great Expectations

Having Great Expectations for PVCC

Rachel Lemley, staff writer Over 500 children in Virginia Foster Care age out of the system and face challenges like living on their own without support from any family. The Great Expectations program takes on these problems and attempts to help students find academic success and employment in enjoyable, family-sustaining environments. The Great Expectations Program […]

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