An issue of The Forum

Going Out in AP Style: ENG 121

Madison Weikle, assistant editor In the age of fake news, trusted journalism is hard to find. However, PVCC offers a safe space for student writers to publish their work within a supportive community. The journalists of The Forum scour the campus, covering events, interviewing people, and snapping pictures for the campus’ student-run publication. Although the […]

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The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

The One Book Program Evolves with “The Sixth Extinction”

Bryn Dotson, assistant editor After the dinosaurs went extinct, scientists held a devastating asteroid responsible. This catastrophic event is known as the “fifth extinction.” It is estimated by scientists between 150-200 species of plants, insects, and mammals become extinct every day. Now, humans are the asteroid. Elizabeth Kolbert, an environmental journalist and author of this […]

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Hope Club Poster of eight girls in a row throwing punches. Photography courtesy of HOPE@Piedmont

HOPE@Piedmont Stands Against Sexual Assault

Deadra Miller, staff writer April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. On April 23, PVCC’s HOPE club hosted a workshop teaching students and staff how to defend themselves from potential attackers. “The Hope club was so happy to offer a self-defense class hosted by Fight Like A Grrrl! The three hours were packed with great information […]

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A Conflict of Future and Past

Tyler Gaines, staff writer Many performing arts events have taken place in the month of April. One of these events  overlooked was LingXi’s Me2 vs He2. LingXi is a Chinese, student-run organization from UVA founded in 2015 to promote cultural diversity and act as a resource for student talents in theatre art. They have performed […]

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2018 Peep-O-Rama

Deadra Miller, staff writer Peep-o-Rama 2018 had edible ways to educate students and faculty about people’s favorite books. Jennifer Koster, professor of English and Writing Center coordinator, hosted this event with the Creative Writing club at PVCC. Each Spring semester, people create Peep dioramas that represent a book. While most of the books are fiction, […]

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