Fourth Student Success Day

Skye Scott, assistant editor On Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Student Services office is hosting their fourth Student Success Day. Student Success Day is an event created to enhance students’ achievements at PVCC by learning about the resources available on campus. This year’s Student Success Day will follow the same […]

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Join Us

Skye Scott, assistant editor The Forum would like to welcome new and returning students to the Fall 2017 semester here at PVCC! We hope that you enjoy being a part of PVCC’s diverse population this semester, and that you get involved with clubs and events offered here, as well. The Forum is PVCC’s student newspaper […]

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Statewide Tornado Drill at PVCC

Skye Scott, assistant editor An alert message popped up on the computer screens. Red, yellow, and green drew attention to the message “Emergency Alert System ALERT!” Underneath, in bold black letters, highlighted in yellow, was the actual message: “we are having a tornado drill.” This message caused no alarm to the faculty in the Admissions […]

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