Snowing in Space, Transforming Coffee

Madison Weikle, staff writer Snow had finished falling on the cold Wednesday morning when I walked into a vibrant coffee house filled with neon colors and rocket ships. I lifted my boot off the melting snow outside and stepped onto the white washed floor and realized, while spring may be approaching outside, it would always […]

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Sugar, Spice, and Marco and Luca

Bryn Dotson, staff writer   Most locals have been to the beloved Marco and Luca restaurant. There are three restaurant locations in Charlottesville: one on the historic Downtown Mall, one on the corner, and one in Seminole Square Shopping Center on 29-North. When you first enter the quaint restaurant, the order desk is directly ahead. […]

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Review: Ranchero Loco Burrito

Charley Hilliard, staff writer   The Ranchero Loco Burrito is delicioso and ranks as a favorite dinner meal at Mono Loco, a popular mexican restaurant on water street by the downtown mall. The signature burrito  does not only enwrap crispy pork with ranchero sauce, but includes a savory fried egg. The combination puts Ranchero into […]

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A Look at a Local Taco Restaurant

John Matthews, staff writer   Located down the street from Charlottesville’s downtown mall, Brazos can be found in the IX building. Created by Peter Griesar, Brazos has been going strong since 2016. Open seven days a week, it is a great place to grab some food. Brazos has indoor and outdoor seating with plenty of […]

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